Mind Over Matter: Manifesting Your Dreams with the Law of Mentalism 

Do you ever feel like life is a rat race, or like life is just happening to you instead of with you? What if the key to unlocking your dream life was right between your ears?

   "The game of life and how to play it"

Imagine life as a giant cosmic game. Before you start playing any game, what do you do first? You learn the rules, right? Well, consider Natural Law, the 7 Universal Laws as the ultimate rulebook for navigating this thing called life. These Laws are ancient wisdom for modern life. They are timeless and infinite. And the Law of Mentalism is rule number ONE, Nuemero Uno. 

The law of mentalism states that ALL is the mind, the universe itself is mental. what does this mean? In simple terms this means that there is a universal consciousness that all began with a thought. Thinking itself is Creation. Better know as God or whatever you call creation,  spoke things into existence.

"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God" What is the word? Thought. What is thought? Consciousness.

 This law states, loud and clear: Your thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape your reality.

Think about it: every invention, every masterpiece, they all began with a single thought. The smartphone you hold? A thought experiment that became reality. The social media platforms you use? A string of empowered thoughts woven into a masterpiece.

As my favorite metaphysician Reverend Ike says, "Consciousness is the only thing that has anything, does anything or is anything!" Is the mind that powerful? Yes! Everything begins as a thought. Think about all of the products you use every day – it all started with someone's idea, a spark in their mind.

We have an incredible amount of mental power. Neuroscience tells us we have around 70,000 thoughts a day! The question is, what kind of thoughts are you feeding your mind? Are they empowering and uplifting, or are they dragging you down with stress and worry?

Here's the exciting part: You can harness the power of your mind to create a life you love. By shifting your thinking patterns, you can attract positive experiences and opportunities that align with your desires. Imagine feeling confident, empowered, and in control of your own destiny. That's the magic of the Law of Mentalism! ✨

Ready to become a master of your mind?

Here are 4 simple tools to get you started:

  1. Become Mindful: Pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day. Are they serving you or holding you back?
  2. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Don't let negativity take hold. Identify and replace those limiting beliefs with positive affirmations. (Think of this like a juice cleanse, a mental detox. Try it for 14 or 21 days.)
  3. Practice Visualization: Spend time vividly picturing your desired outcomes. See yourself achieving your goals and feeling amazing!
  4. Daily Step: Take 5 minutes, 3 times a day to simply observe your thoughts in compete silence without judgment. Notice any recurring patterns and identify areas for a more positive shift. (If you feel like you don’t have 15 minutes to give yourself, you really need to do this. You are not asking for too much, you deserve to give yourself this time and space)

Want to dive deeper into the Law of Mentalism and unlock your full potential? Join my email list for exclusive content, tips, and inspiration! Let's co-create the reality of our dreams together.

P.S. Remember, the most important rule of the game is to have fun! Enjoy the journey of mastering your mind and creating a life you love.

With Love,


A woman sitting down thinking

“Change your thinking, change your life.” — Ernest Holmes

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